Our Principles

These are the principles we come back to every single day. When we don't know how to make a decision, we always come back to our principles.

Customer and user obsession

We’re here to serve our customers and users. Go backwards from the customers and obsess after giving them the best experience possible.

Deliver results and follow through

Results matter, not effort. Done is better than perfect. Finish what you start. A documented mistake of an idea that didn't work is positive. Constantly release, test, and deploy little bytes instead of waiting for one large deployment.

Move with extreme velocity and focus

Velocity matters. We’re serving customers where a little downtime can cost millions. Ship fast and be laser focused on what matters. Work smart and hard.

Meritocracy to find the truth

The best idea wins, not your seniority. Use logic to support your thinking. Always discuss the idea not attack the speaker. When a decision is made, disagree and commit wholly.

Radical transparency

No passive aggression. If someone isn’t doing something right, tell them. Be brutally honest with feedback and don’t sugar coat anything. Trust in your team.

Hire the very best people

If enough smart people are in a room together, we'll figure it out. Hire slow rather than to fill a role.

Simplicity and frugality

Have just enough and no more. Constantly simplify. Always ask: "how could I accomplish what I'm trying to with 10x less money?"

Play for the name on the front of the jersey

"Play for the name on the front of the jersey... people will start remembering the name on the back." We all have individualistic desires but by working for the good of the company in the short term, you make yourself significantly better off in the long term. When in doubt of how to make a decision, ask: is this in the true, authentic best interest of Chef?

Challenge your beliefs and aim to find truth

Assume your ideas are wrong and constantly stress test them. The default is that your idea is wrong and that you have to prove it’s right (not the other way around). Seek diverse perspectives.  Always ask why, why, why? Break things down to the first principles and then build back up.

Take initiative and win

Figure out what needs to be done - without anyone telling you - and then win. We’re here to win, not just for a job.

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